Interface WS2811

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public interface WS2811

    Defines WS2811 aka NeoPixels.

    NOTE: when using Java Color settings, the brightness of the device will be applied to the colors. Example:

    p.brightness = .1
    p.color = Color.RED

    will result in an "actual" color of 25 (.1 * 255). This will conflict with adjusting the brightness of colors "manually" (e.g. if the value is 25 and brightness is .1, the actual value will be 2).

    • Constructor Detail

    • Method Detail

      • off

         Unit off()

        Shorthand for fill(Color.BLACK)

      • fill

         abstract Unit fill(WS2811.PixelColor color)

        Fill the entire device with this color. If autoWrite is enabled, the results are immediately uploaded.

      • fill

         Unit fill(Color color)

        Fill the entire device with this color. If autoWrite is enabled, the results are immediately uploaded. The current brightness level is also applied.

      • plus

         Unit plus(WS2811.PixelColor color)

        Fill the entire device with this color. If autoWrite is enabled, the results are immediately uploaded.

      • plus

         Unit plus(Color color)

        Fill the entire device with this color. If autoWrite is enabled, the results are immediately uploaded. The current brightness level is also applied.

      • set

         abstract Unit set(Integer index, WS2811.PixelColor color)

        Set an individual pixel (this is available as an indexed value). If autoWrite is enabled, the results are immediately uploaded.

      • set

         Unit set(Integer index, Color color)

        Set an individual pixel (this is available as an indexed value). If autoWrite is enabled, the results are immediately uploaded.The current brightness level is also applied.

      • set

         Unit set(Integer start, Integer end, Color color)

        Set a range of pixels to a color. If autoWrite is enabled, the results are immediately uploaded. The current brightness level is also applied.

      • set

         abstract Unit set(Integer start, Integer end, List<WS2811.PixelColor> colors)

        Set a range of pixels to a range of colors. The color list must be equal to or larger than the range specified. If autoWrite is enabled, the results are * immediately uploaded.