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accept(com.diozero.api.DigitalInputEvent) - function in com.diozero.api.DebouncedDigitalInputDevice
activeForceModeTrigger() - function in crackers.kobots.devices.sensors.VCNL4040
Outputs one data cycle - see p.
AdafruitSeeSaw - class in crackers.kobots.devices.microcontroller
An I2C to whatever helper chip.
AdafruitSeeSaw.Companion - class in crackers.kobots.devices.microcontroller.AdafruitSeeSaw
AdafruitSeeSaw.Companion.DeviceType - class in crackers.kobots.devices.microcontroller.AdafruitSeeSaw.Companion
AdafruitSeeSaw.Companion.SignalMode - class in crackers.kobots.devices.microcontroller.AdafruitSeeSaw.Companion
addListener(com.diozero.api.function.DeviceEventConsumer) - function in com.diozero.api.GpioInputDevice
ADS7830 - class in crackers.kobots.devices.expander
The ADS7830 is a single-supply, low-power, 8-bit data acquisition device that features a serial I2C interface and an 8-channel multiplexer..
ALS_160MS - enum entry in crackers.kobots.devices.sensors.VCNL4040.AmbientLightIntegrationTime
ALS_320MS - enum entry in crackers.kobots.devices.sensors.VCNL4040.AmbientLightIntegrationTime
ALS_640MS - enum entry in crackers.kobots.devices.sensors.VCNL4040.AmbientLightIntegrationTime
ALS_80MS - enum entry in crackers.kobots.devices.sensors.VCNL4040.AmbientLightIntegrationTime
andThen(java.util.function.Consumer) - function in java.util.function.Consumer
AnodeRgbPwmLed - class in crackers.kobots.devices
RGB LED with common anode - this is inverted from RgbPwmLed.
asByte(java.lang.Boolean) - function in crackers.kobots.utilities.BitsAndBytesKt
asDegreesF(java.lang.Float) - function in crackers.kobots.devices.DeviceUtilsKt
Convert a float representing degrees C to F.
at(com.diozero.api.ServoDevice,java.lang.Float) - function in crackers.kobots.devices.DSLKt
Sets the angle for the servo.
at(com.diozero.api.ServoDevice,java.lang.Integer) - function in crackers.kobots.devices.DSLKt
at(com.diozero.devices.motor.MotorInterface,java.lang.Float) - function in crackers.kobots.devices.DSLKt
Run a motor at this relative speed (-1 to 1).
ATTINY1616_HW_ID_CODE - enum entry in crackers.kobots.devices.microcontroller.AdafruitSeeSaw.Companion.DeviceType
ATTINY1617_HW_ID_CODE - enum entry in crackers.kobots.devices.microcontroller.AdafruitSeeSaw.Companion.DeviceType
ATTINY806_HW_ID_CODE - enum entry in crackers.kobots.devices.microcontroller.AdafruitSeeSaw.Companion.DeviceType
ATTINY807_HW_ID_CODE - enum entry in crackers.kobots.devices.microcontroller.AdafruitSeeSaw.Companion.DeviceType
ATTINY816_HW_ID_CODE - enum entry in crackers.kobots.devices.microcontroller.AdafruitSeeSaw.Companion.DeviceType
ATTINY817_HW_ID_CODE - enum entry in crackers.kobots.devices.microcontroller.AdafruitSeeSaw.Companion.DeviceType
autoPlay(java.lang.Integer,java.lang.Integer,java.lang.Integer) - function in crackers.kobots.devices.lighting.IS31FL3731
Start "autoplay" (rotate through) the number of frames (default all), with a limited number of loops (default 0=infinite) and an approximate delay in milliseconds.
autoPlay(java.lang.Integer,java.lang.Integer) - function in crackers.kobots.devices.lighting.IS31FL3731
Start "autoplay" (rotate through) the number of frames (default all), with a limited number of loops (default 0=infinite) and an approximate delay in milliseconds.
autoPlay(java.lang.Integer) - function in crackers.kobots.devices.lighting.IS31FL3731
Start "autoplay" (rotate through) the number of frames (default all), with a limited number of loops (default 0=infinite) and an approximate delay in milliseconds.
autoPlay() - function in crackers.kobots.devices.lighting.IS31FL3731
Start "autoplay" (rotate through) the number of frames (default all), with a limited number of loops (default 0=infinite) and an approximate delay in milliseconds.
autoPlay(java.lang.Integer,java.lang.Integer,java.lang.Integer) - function in crackers.kobots.devices.lighting.IS31FL3731
Start "autoplay" (rotate through) the number of frames (default all), with a limited number of loops (default 0=infinite) and an approximate delay in milliseconds.
autoPlay(java.lang.Integer,java.lang.Integer) - function in crackers.kobots.devices.lighting.IS31FL3731
Start "autoplay" (rotate through) the number of frames (default all), with a limited number of loops (default 0=infinite) and an approximate delay in milliseconds.
autoPlay(java.lang.Integer) - function in crackers.kobots.devices.lighting.IS31FL3731
Start "autoplay" (rotate through) the number of frames (default all), with a limited number of loops (default 0=infinite) and an approximate delay in milliseconds.
autoPlay() - function in crackers.kobots.devices.lighting.IS31FL3731
Start "autoplay" (rotate through) the number of frames (default all), with a limited number of loops (default 0=infinite) and an approximate delay in milliseconds.
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