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I2CMultiplexer - class in crackers.kobots.devices.expander
TCA9548A/PCA9548 I2C Multiplexer.
I2CSubRegister - class in crackers.kobots.devices
Creates a read/write sub-register (e.g.
I2CUtilsKt - class in crackers.kobots.devices
INPUT - enum entry in crackers.kobots.devices.microcontroller.AdafruitSeeSaw.Companion.SignalMode
INPUT_PULLDOWN - enum entry in crackers.kobots.devices.microcontroller.AdafruitSeeSaw.Companion.SignalMode
INPUT_PULLUP - enum entry in crackers.kobots.devices.microcontroller.AdafruitSeeSaw.Companion.SignalMode
inRange(java.lang.Integer,java.lang.String,kotlin.ranges.IntRange) - function in crackers.kobots.devices.DeviceUtilsKt
Checks to see if an Int is in the specified range
INVERSE - enum entry in crackers.kobots.devices.display.GrayOled.DisplayType
invertDisplay(java.lang.Boolean) - function in crackers.kobots.devices.display.GrayOled
invertDisplay(java.lang.Boolean) - function in crackers.kobots.devices.display.SSD1327
IS31FL3731 - class in crackers.kobots.devices.lighting
Represents an IS31LF3731 charlieplex IC.
isActive() - function in com.diozero.api.DigitalInputDevice
isActiveHigh() - function in com.diozero.api.AbstractDigitalInputDevice
isAmbientLightHigh(java.lang.Integer) - function in crackers.kobots.devices.sensors.VCNL4040
isAmbientLightLow(java.lang.Integer) - function in crackers.kobots.devices.sensors.VCNL4040
isClosed() - function in com.diozero.internal.spi.AbstractDeviceFactory
isDeviceOpened(java.lang.String) - function in com.diozero.internal.spi.AbstractDeviceFactory
isEnteringProtectionMode(java.lang.Integer) - function in crackers.kobots.devices.sensors.VCNL4040
isProximityClose(java.lang.Integer) - function in crackers.kobots.devices.sensors.VCNL4040
isProximityFar(java.lang.Integer) - function in crackers.kobots.devices.sensors.VCNL4040
iterator() - function in crackers.kobots.devices.lighting.PixelBuf
Immutable operator - changing these colors has no effect.
iterator() - function in crackers.kobots.devices.lighting.PixelBuf
Immutable operator - changing these colors has no effect.
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