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marquee(java.lang.String,java.time.Duration,java.lang.Boolean) - function in crackers.kobots.devices.display.SegmentedDisplay
Print a scrolling value to the displays.
marquee(java.lang.String,java.time.Duration,java.lang.Boolean) - function in crackers.kobots.devices.display.SegmentedDisplay
Print a scrolling value to the displays.
MEDIUM - enum entry in crackers.kobots.devices.display.HT16K33.BlinkRate
motor(java.lang.Integer) - function in crackers.kobots.devices.expander.CRICKITHat
Convenience function to use the Motor ports for bidirectional motors, where index is the motor number (1 or 2).
motorStepperPort() - function in crackers.kobots.devices.expander.CRICKITHat
Get a controller from the motor ports.
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