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to2Bytes(java.lang.Integer) - function in crackers.kobots.devices.DeviceUtilsKt
Convert to two bytes
toBinaryString(java.lang.Integer,java.lang.Integer) - function in crackers.kobots.utilities.BitsAndBytesKt
Get a binary string out of an Int, left padded with 0s to the specified number of bits
toByteArray(java.lang.Short) - function in crackers.kobots.utilities.BitsAndBytesKt
toBytes(java.lang.Short) - function in crackers.kobots.devices.DeviceUtilsKt
Convert to two bytes
toBytes(java.lang.Integer) - function in crackers.kobots.utilities.BitsAndBytesKt
toggle() - function in crackers.kobots.devices.AnodeRgbPwmLed
Toggle the state of all LEDs.
toInt(java.lang.Boolean) - function in crackers.kobots.devices.DeviceUtilsKt
Convert a boolean to integer "equivalent"
toLong(kotlin.ByteArray) - function in crackers.kobots.utilities.BitsAndBytesKt
toShort(kotlin.ByteArray) - function in crackers.kobots.utilities.BitsAndBytesKt
toString() - function in crackers.kobots.devices.Quadruple
touchAnalogIn(java.lang.Integer) - function in crackers.kobots.devices.expander.CRICKITHat
Convenience function to get an analog input on one of the touchpads.
touchDigitalIn(java.lang.Integer) - function in crackers.kobots.devices.expander.CRICKITHat
Convenience function to get a digital input on one of the touchpads.
touchRead(java.lang.Integer) - function in crackers.kobots.devices.microcontroller.AdafruitSeeSaw
TWO - enum entry in crackers.kobots.devices.sensors.VCNL4040.AmbientLightPersistence
TWO - enum entry in crackers.kobots.devices.sensors.VCNL4040.ProximityMultipulse
twoBytesAndBuffer(java.lang.Byte,java.lang.Byte,kotlin.ByteArray) - function in crackers.kobots.devices.DeviceUtilsKt
Common I2C pattern: two bytes and a buffer (register, offset, payload)
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