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DebouncedButton - class in crackers.kobots.devices
Simple extension to get the whenPressed and whenReleased semantics with debounce.
deviceClosed(com.diozero.internal.spi.InternalDeviceInterface) - function in com.diozero.internal.spi.AbstractDeviceFactory
deviceOpened(com.diozero.internal.spi.InternalDeviceInterface) - function in com.diozero.internal.spi.AbstractDeviceFactory
DeviceUtilsKt - class in crackers.kobots.devices
display(java.awt.image.BufferedImage) - function in crackers.kobots.devices.display.GrayOled
Display an image: scales and converts the image into the internal buffer.
display(java.awt.image.BufferedImage) - function in crackers.kobots.devices.display.GrayOled
Display an image: scales and converts the image into the internal buffer.
div(java.lang.Float) - function in crackers.kobots.devices.sensors.VL6180X.Companion.ALSGain
drive(java.lang.Integer) - function in crackers.kobots.devices.expander.CRICKITHat
Convenience function to get PWM-able outputs.
DSLKt - class in crackers.kobots.devices
dumpRegisters() - function in crackers.kobots.devices.sensors.VCNL4040
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